Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs

For those who love low-grade pop rivalry may enjoy the fact to know that Katy Perry beat Taylor Swift to the title of Forbess highest-paid musician of the year 2018. But the real intrigue and a potential challenger to their standing lies farther down Forbess list of the top 10. Helene Fischer is ranked No. 8 on Forbes' 10 most popular list, just behind Rihanna and ahead of Celine Dion and Britney Spears. Who? An American-Russian actress who is extremely slack-jawed and tries to keep her image as being a "normal female". Butter is her favorite, however in interviews, she only discovers that her boyfriend is the German television personality who had her face tattooed on his arm. The biographical details are a bit boring. Fischer 34 is the king from Germanys Schlager scene a sound that has two different directions. The first song is a more bierhalle rhythm that focuses on the themes of drunk babes as well as Germany. Fischer represents its foe: the faithful woman whose heart beats faster and breathe stops when she thinks of her beloved man who plays up her feminine feebleness to enthrall his instincts of protection. Traditional themes from Schlager are an excellent counterpoint to Western-influenced pop that swept into Germany after the Second World War. The popularity of Schlager is being bolstered by the rise of baby boomers and beyond. Fischer's Christmas shows feature a massive all-star spectacle that make Jools' Annual Hootenanny look similar to club X on Channel 4. Schlager is a country music with the same home-like feeling as country music but Fischer updated it by introducing a soaring synth pop version. The singer is similar to an German Taylor Swift. Swifts musical evolution has been cool. However, Fischer's music is absolutely horrible.

Claudia Wells was an American actor, born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but was raised in San Francisco CA. Wells became famous for her character Jennifer Parker, Marty McFly's partner in the 1985 film Back to the Future. Also in 1985 Wells was a co-star as a co-star in Stop the Madness an anti drug-related music video commissioned by the Reagan administration and featuring a variety of well-known musicians actors and athletes. The following year her appearance on TV, she was as a character in Babies Having Babies. The show Fast Times was a TV adaptation from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia's career was on a speed-to-success in entertainment however, when her mother was diagnosed with cancer, she resigned from performing. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia is currently credited with more than fifty credits from film television and theater. Her true career is yet to come when she hopes to take on tough, slick and surprising role. Claudia Wells manages Armani Wells, a men's premium-clothing retailer. For more details, go to her website

pics Helene Fischer Feet and Legs pics Helene Fischer Feet and Legs pics Gideon Adlon Feet and Legs pics Gideon Adlon Feet and Legs pics Gideon Adlon Feet and Legs pics Gideon Adlon Feet and Legs pics Gideon Adlon Feet and Legs pics Claudia Wells Feet and Legs pics Claudia Wells Feet and Legs pics Claudia Wells Feet and Legs


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